Monday, July 20, 2009

Thanks to everyone for all the support

Jerod here checking back in. It has been quite a while since my last blog post, and several weeks since i've been in the gym, so I wanted to let everyone know that I'm do still exist, and that I'm doing much better.
I also wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers as I've been going through my health issues. The doctors seem pleased with my progress and the last of my test results should come in this week. If all that comes back clear then it should just be a simple matter of taking a couple pills a day, and taking it easy for a few months to let everything heal up.
I'll be coming into the gym again to help out and do some light work, and will be working on the gym website and online presence a bit more as well. Part of this will include more gym updates as well as doing some gymnast bio's and highlights of things the girls are doing in the gym.
I hope everyone is having a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you soon.


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