Friday, August 1, 2008

Looking "cool"

the sweet cooling set up by the worlds greatest heating and air company Signal. The things I'm most pleased with would have to be the big heating system that went up today, as well as the A/C over the mezzanine. The heater is the big unit that we all sat and stared at this last winter, it now resides over 20ft in the air ready to blow warm goodness all over the gym. The A/C over the mezzanine is a trick setup with ducting that runs over the top of it and will, at our command, dump cool air over the sweating masses. I can feel the year round 73 degree temps already.

Oh and let's not forget the 10 wall mounted fans that will be mounted next week. No more of Jerod having to lug around a 100lbs fan from event to event.

Other gyms will tremble before our mighty climate control system! Bwa Ha Ha Ha

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